Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Hi guys,
Just a quick one to give you a heads up on an Ab workout I have been doing recently at the end of my weight sessions.
If you're like me and you like to get your ab sessions out of the way quickly but still get a great burn then this Ab blast is for you.
Grab yourself a mat and get ready for 8 minutes of killer ab burn. This is what do it:
Crunches : 30 seconds
Leg raises: 30 seconds
Plank: 30 seconds
Knee Crunch: 30 seconds (left elbow to right knee and right elbow to left knee)
REPEAT 4 times without any rest.
If you are new to working your abs then I would suggest only repeating this 3 times until you have built up some stamina. After 3/4 weeks of doing this workout as one of your ab sessions once or twice a week you will notice a big difference in your abs.
Have a go, enjoy and let me know how you are getting on with it or if you need any more tips: @alexblakemore1 on Twitter.
Cheers Alex
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Blog 12! Wolf run's 2014!
Hi guys,
I haven't posted anything in a while and I have achieved a decent amount personally. As a result I thought I would write to give you a quick update before posting a few more blogs in the next few weeks.
First off I have managed to gain a decent amount of size over the last 8-9 weeks which I am really happy with. I finally found the time to invest in my workouts and the food I eat. I ordered some Pre-workout (Musclepharm Assault) and I have been having protein shakes post workout and before bed with milk for slow release. This along with my gym routines, which I have been mixing up a lot more and going heavier for less reps has worked a treat. I am starting to find real motivation as I am progressing and I am enjoying trying out new workout's and supplements.
I will be updating this blog with some new workouts I am trying and any fitness related things I find on the web as always. So it's official I am back up and running with this blog.
In other news since I last posted, I have completed not 1 but 2 Wolf Run's. For any of you who do not know what one is, here is a link to the website: http://www.thewolfrun.com .
I completed the summer wolf run in September and the Winter wolf last weekend. The run consists of 10K worth of obstacles including, water, tyres, monkey bars and lots and lots of mud.
For the summer wolf I trained a lot in terms of fitness, but unlike most runs the key to training is sprint training. So HITT's are a great way of getting into shape. The reason for this is because you want to run as fast as you can between obstacles and the obstacles give you time to have a breather from the run and let's your body strength do the talking. It's also important to have good body strength so lean muscle is a must. Over the next month I will post some workouts I did for the training. I recommend to anyone who enjoys working out and towards a goal, to try the Wolf run. If you want to have more of a laugh with it, I recommend the summer wolf as the one during winter is a lot tougher as it's very muddy and cold. Not only is it a great achievement when you cross the finish line you also have a laugh with mates as the whole point of the run is to stick together and finish as a wolf pack.
My plan is to complete Tough Mudder in May which is going to take a lot of training from around February time.
That's all for now and I will be back soon with some workout blogs and tips.
Thanks for reading and I will leave you with some pics from my Wolf Run.
Alex :)
I haven't posted anything in a while and I have achieved a decent amount personally. As a result I thought I would write to give you a quick update before posting a few more blogs in the next few weeks.
First off I have managed to gain a decent amount of size over the last 8-9 weeks which I am really happy with. I finally found the time to invest in my workouts and the food I eat. I ordered some Pre-workout (Musclepharm Assault) and I have been having protein shakes post workout and before bed with milk for slow release. This along with my gym routines, which I have been mixing up a lot more and going heavier for less reps has worked a treat. I am starting to find real motivation as I am progressing and I am enjoying trying out new workout's and supplements.
I will be updating this blog with some new workouts I am trying and any fitness related things I find on the web as always. So it's official I am back up and running with this blog.
In other news since I last posted, I have completed not 1 but 2 Wolf Run's. For any of you who do not know what one is, here is a link to the website: http://www.thewolfrun.com .
I completed the summer wolf run in September and the Winter wolf last weekend. The run consists of 10K worth of obstacles including, water, tyres, monkey bars and lots and lots of mud.
For the summer wolf I trained a lot in terms of fitness, but unlike most runs the key to training is sprint training. So HITT's are a great way of getting into shape. The reason for this is because you want to run as fast as you can between obstacles and the obstacles give you time to have a breather from the run and let's your body strength do the talking. It's also important to have good body strength so lean muscle is a must. Over the next month I will post some workouts I did for the training. I recommend to anyone who enjoys working out and towards a goal, to try the Wolf run. If you want to have more of a laugh with it, I recommend the summer wolf as the one during winter is a lot tougher as it's very muddy and cold. Not only is it a great achievement when you cross the finish line you also have a laugh with mates as the whole point of the run is to stick together and finish as a wolf pack.
My plan is to complete Tough Mudder in May which is going to take a lot of training from around February time.
That's all for now and I will be back soon with some workout blogs and tips.
Thanks for reading and I will leave you with some pics from my Wolf Run.
Alex :)
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Summer Wolf |
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Summer wolf |
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End of summer wolf |
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Winter Wolf |
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Before winter wolf |
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before and after winter wolf |
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Blog 11! Men's Health Fitness Trainer intro and review!
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Men's Health Fitness Trainer |
Hi guys,
Just a quick one, I have seen this morning that Men's Health have introduced an app called 'Men's Health Fitness Trainer'. The free package claims to include 8 workouts with over 50 exercises, and if you like what you see you could upgrade to a package of 450 workouts and over 700 exercises for a small price of £2.99.
REVIEW - I'm back after a few days of trying out this app and I have to say the light version leaves little to be desired. I am aware that is often what light version are there for, giving you a little bit of something so you want to buy the full version.
This app does a good job of being an app. The interface is neat and smart and it is simple to navigate, making it great it pick up and go. It does offer a range of workouts and it has a nifty little timer feature so you know how long your rests etc are during your workout. Apart from these things it lacks in content. Firstly, in my opinion although it gives you the option of beginner, professional or advanced workouts I found even the toughest of workouts were simple for someone who is not new to the gym. They were to short and the exercises simple, this does not make you want to pay for the app. The Calender is a good feature allowing you to track what workouts you've done when and how successful you did them. Other than that the app offers very little and I fear if you buy the full version it will be more of the same. That being said it is clear the flaw of this app is that it does not cater the needs of someone who has been working out for some time. The exercises are simple and popular ones giving very little to mix up an experienced trainer. This app is a good download for beginners who may not know how to put exercises together to create a routine or need a little bit of added guidance when they are starting out at the gym.
So if you are a beginner then give it a look it might be worth your while. If you are far from a fresh face in the gym you should give this app a miss and stick to doing some research online to add to your training.
Maybe give it a download and try it yourself. http://www.menshealth.co.uk/living/gear/introducing-the-mens-health-fitness-trainer-app
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Blog 10! Motivation!
"It WILL hurt.
It WILL take time.
It WILL require dedication and sacrifice.
But it WILL be worth it"
Hi guys,
Just a quick one today! Sometimes it might be difficult to get motivation to go to the gym. I understand many of us have busy lives and often find an excuse not to go to the gym or workout. Many a time I have had a busy day and have found it difficult to find the energy or motivation to head to the gym.
Another huge reason for a lack of effort or motivation is if you struggle to see results, whether you are gaining size, losing weight or whatever goal you have. This can be demotivating and has happened to me many times. My Biceps are the muscles I find it difficult to see results on, and it's only recently I have seen the results. Trust me though no matter how long it takes when you finally see those results its the greatest feeling. This is why the quote at the top is so relevant to me and keeps me going through the hard training days and the days I would rather sit on my arse and have a beer. It WILL be worth it!
So next time you are struggling to find the motivation for whatever reason check out some gym motivation quotes and although it may seem silly or you may think people will laugh, they actually do help and if you just make the effort to train you will see the benefits eventually. Just keep at it and don't give up.
Another great tip, if you are short on time and find it difficult to fit in an hour/hour and a half session into your day then check out this great little home workout courtesy of Men's Health: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/building-muscle/bodyweight-exercises/home-workout-9427 - Although it isn't the most intense workout you will ever do, it's sure to make you sweat and give your muscles a little workout even on a day you can find little time. Try it just before bed.
Cheers guys,
I will be back soon
Alex :D
Friday, 27 June 2014
Hi guys,
I am back, hope you are all well and smashing your workouts. Today I thought I'd give you a quick intro to legs. I have always struggled to put on size when it comes to my legs and as a result I found myself feeling demotivated and skipping leg days. Soon you realise that skipping leg day is a major mistake.
The biggest factor is if you put on some decent size on your upper body then you start to look out of proportion. Secondly if you do any endurance events such as Men's Health Survival Of The Fittest for example, you will find it difficult without leg strength. I decided that I needed to start legs again and since I have i've put on some serious strength in my lower body. All it takes is the right exercises and the correct form.
For legs form is key! If you don't have the correct form then you could damage your back and you will not really see any gains. You will see people in the gym lifting heavy on legs but their form is dreadful. Don't just lift heavy because it looks good and you don't want to seem weak. Start off on a ideal weight for you and you will soon be going up weights. If you start to heavy you will take a while to make any gains as you won't be working the muscles to the full. A prime example of when people do legs wrong is during squats. It's important to go as low as you can, so you are are a 90 degree angle to the floor with your knees. I have put a picture below as an example.
If you are new to doing legs it can be quite daunting. This link will take you to an intro to leg days at the gym with some brilliant exercises that will help you see gains in no time. Check it out and never skip a leg day again: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/beginner-leg-training-guide.htm
That's all from me for now and I'll be back soon. As always any questions get in touch with me and also I love to know how you're getting on.
Cheers guys,
Alex :)
Slowly squat down, but keep your back straight. |
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Blog 8! Chest workout for next morning agony!
Hi guys,
The last couple of weeks I've mixed up my chest workout as I am trying to get stronger. This new workout put's together some old chest exercises that you will have done many a time with a couple of little twists here and there. I would recommend trying it out, I've been loving chest day and my pecs have toned up and got bigger since mixing it up.
WHY MIX IT UP? - If you keep doing the same weight and routines during your workouts, your body gets used to it and therefore you will stop seeing results. Yes you may stay the same but if you are wanting to get bigger or more toned you need to change your workout's about. Personally I try and change mine around every 6-8 weeks, whether it be a complete change or just trying out a few new things.
So here is the workout I've been doing:
Warm up set - 40/50% of the heaviest you can lift: Dumbbell press. 15/20 reps.
Bench press - 3 x sets - 12-10-8 reps : Heaviest you can do for 8 reps on last set.
Dumbbell press: 4 x sets - 12-10-10: Heaviest you can do for 10 on last set.
Incline Dumbbell press: 3 x sets - 12-10-10: I do heaviest every set e.g. 20KG each arm.
Dumbbell press drop set: Flat Bench 3 x sets - heaviest, drop to 70% of what you can do, drop to 40% and do all three sets without a break.
Dumbbell Fly: 3 x sets - same weight 80/90% of what you can do.
Dumbbell fly/press: Weird one this but very effective, lie on a flat bench and then get the weights up as if you were going to do a standard bench press. Now tilt the weights half way between the press and fly position and lower as if you are doing a fly exercise. It will absolutely kill. If you are still unclear on what I mean check out my example on instagram at: http://instagram.com/p/ni0QEMRWrX/
Decline Fly: 3 x sets - same weight 80/90% of what you can do.
Cable Fly: 3 x sets - same weight.
Finally: Bench press with a weight 70% of what you can do. Complete as many reps as you can until failure.
If you have any energy left after this, for a finisher you can do wide press up's which will kill off your chest.
This workout will hurt and you may not be able to do it all on your first try but give it a shot and I guarantee you will see results within 3-4 weeks, especially if you have a high protein diet.
Give it a shot and if you are struggling with anything tweet me @alexblakemore1 or you can comment below on this blog.
I'll be back soon with more.
Alex :D
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Blog 7! What is HIIT! Get rid of that body fat!
Hi guys,
Hope you are all well and you are enjoying your fitness and seeing some results. Easter has been and gone and it's most likely that all your chocolates have been eaten. So look no further, there is no better time than to start thinking about that summer body.
I got thinking yesterday whilst I was playing some football and walking back from the gym in the sunshine about my holiday to spain in July. This got me determined to get that summer body back. The work starts today and I'm going to introduce you to just the trick to shed that body fat and say hello to that summer body.
Firstly I have to say you need to make sure you are eating the right foods and drinking the right stuff otherwise no matter how much of this workout you do you are unlikely to see quick or any results. I suggest cutting down on bad carbs such as oven chips and white rice/potato. Make a change and try some wholewheat pasta or sweet potato great alternatives and they can be really tasty. Also make sure you drink plenty of water and try to cut down on fizzy drinks etc..
Enough about food time for the workout. This workout is simple and you will feel shattered afterwards. I promise you however, you will see results extremely fast as long as you have a good diet. The other great thing about this workout is unlike long cardio sessions it fits a busy schedule and it doesn't burn off muscle like a long 5/10k run would.
The workout is called a HIIT and it's similar to interval training. There is lots of different variations across the web about what the workout includes but they are all fairly similar. This is the one I usually do. Basically chose your equipment either Bike, Rowing machine, Treadmill, Stretch of road or something as simple as a skipping rope. Give yourself a warm-up of between 5-10mins just so you don't pull anything and then you are ready to start the HITT.
All you have to do is go all out for 30 seconds and then rest for 10 and then do this again until you have done 10 rounds. Yes it's as simple as that. For example if I am on a rowing machine, I will set it to a good difficultly level and then row as hard and fast as I possibly can for 30 seconds and then straight away rest for 10 and then go for another 30 seconds. 30 seconds and a 10 second rest is one round. After your 10 sets you'll be done. I can guarantee when you first start doing this you will struggle to do the 10 but make sure you do all the sets even if your 30 seconds all out get slower because of fatigue.
If you get to the stage that you are finding it too easy, either add a set or two or higher the resistance if using a resistance machine or the incline on a treadmill.
One thing I love about this workout is that it's short and simple and you get results fast within 1-2 weeks. It's also great to do abs workouts regularly and you will start to see your abs in no time.
On average I would suggest doing a HITT 4 or 5 times a week along with your usual workout routines.
If you want more information on HITT workouts or any variations search it on the web and you'll find loads of results and I will also put a useful link below.
Click me: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/fitness/cardio-exercise/what-is-HIIT
Good luck and enjoy it. As always let me know how you get on and your results.
I'll be back soon with more, thanks for reading!
Alex :D
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Blog 6! The best lunches for a busy schedule!
Hi guys,
Hope you are all well and your gym sessions are going well. Easter weekend is coming up so indulge in some chocolate and treat yourself but don't go crazy because you'll regret it.
I thought it was about time I focused on food for a change and I found a great article on Men's Health that I want to share with you all. If you have a busy working life and you are unable to eat lunch in the comfort of your own home it can be difficult to find things to eat that are healthy and beneficial workout wise. As you probably know nutrition is a major part of any workout plan, especially for abs.
I know from my own lifestyle finding things to eat at lunchtime can often be difficult and it's tempting to pick something up that's quick such as a Subway or a Greggs. Of course you could make your own lunch and take it with you, like a salad or some pasta but often we either forget to make it the night before or run out of time in the morning. So this article gives you the best high-street lunches in Britain and there are some great tasty choices. You may think it's all going to be healthy and dull but it really is quite interesting. It gives the best outlets for certain goals such as: extra energy and muscle building lunches. A great perk is that Nando's is included and if you know me at all, I am a crazy fan of this restaurant and eat there regularly.
So have a read and think twice on your lunch hour from now on.....
READ ME: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/food-nutrition/what-to-eat/britains-best-high-street-lunch
Enjoy and as always more soon
Alex :D
Monday, 7 April 2014
Blog 5! Drop Sets - The way to bigger arms!
Hi guys,
Hope you are well and enjoying my new fitness blog! I have had a week off the gym as i've been busy and tomorrow I am getting back into it by smashing a drop set workout. It gives you a real pump by rushing blood to your muscles. If ever I have longer than 5-6 days off the gym, the first workout I do when I get back is a drop set workout. If you don't know what a drop set is or you have never tried them, my challenge to you this week is to try some drop sets out.
Basically a drop set is when you use the heaviest weight on your first set of an exercise, something you would use for 6-8 repetitions and then you perform reps to failure with this rep. For your second set you drop 10 to 20 percent of the weight from your first set and do the same again. Then for you next set you do the same again. However I do a slightly different variation. Instead of doing sets to failure, I only do my last set to failure. I only do 3-4 sets and this is an example of what I do. When I do dumbbell bicep curls I do 14KG for 8 reps, 8KG for 12 reps, 6KG for 8 reps and then i'm pretty much dying so for a final blow out with 4-6kg for as many reps as I can. IT'S PAINFUL. Try this example out with weights to suit you and let me know how you get on by tweeting me: @alexblakemore1 or commenting below this post.
It's important that you warm up before you do drop sets because it shocks your muscles and pumps blood to them, so you could risk injury unless you warm up properly. You can warm up by either doing light weights or a short 5-10 jog just to get you ready for this intense workout.
This workout is also great if you have little time in your day as it tires your muscles quickly making it difficult to much else. If you want some variations on drop sets then I am putting a link to an article below which gives a range of ways and exercises all using the same technique of a drop set.
Click me: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/dropsets.htm
So that's drop sets, have a go and let me know how you get on and as always have fun and enjoy the time you spend in the gym. I'll be back soon with more.
Alex :D
Monday, 31 March 2014
Blog 4! Cluster Sets!
Hi Guys,
Hope you are all well, I tried a new workout at the gym this week and it has to be the most painful workout I have done in a long time.
I worked on my Biceps by using Cluster Sets. If you don't know what these are, don't worry neither did I. Basically, you do low reps and do pause holds during your sets. For example pick a weight you can do 15-20 reps with, complete 5 reps and then hold the weights static at 90 degrees so its still using your biceps, after five seconds, do another 5 reps and repeat until you have completed 15 reps. That's a set, and I can assure you it's agony.
This workout focuses on the same principal throughout with 3 different exercises. By the end you will feel pumped and it's a great workout if you don't have a lot of time, as your muscles will tire out extremely quickly. Below is the video for this workout so check it out and feel the pain. It's a brilliant workout and your biceps will ache for days, highlighting the importance of Protein for muscle recovery.
So give it ago and as always enjoy!
Cheers guys
Alex :D
CLICK ME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDTgL2VSeWA
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Blog 3! Beat your hangover!
Good morning,
Yes it's saturday morning which means for many people around the UK hangovers are upon us, making you feel like all you want to do is lie in bed and watch Game of Thrones. But say no to a lazy day and hello to the gym to blast your arms and cure that hangover.
Hope you all had a good night last night and enjoyed a few drinks, I certainly did. But it's time to put all that behind you and head to your gym to give this hangover beating arm workout a try. The very reliable source of Mens Health Magazine brings us this latest workout, and it promises to send your hangover to the dustbin.
This workout will take you around 40-45 minutes and the trick is to go heavy to sweat out those toxins. I have tried it myself and will be going to the gym either today or tomorrow to do this workout and burn away the alcohol.
Let me know how you get on, and as always enjoy yourself and i'll be back soon with more workouts.
Follow this link to say hello to big arms and goodbye to the dreaded headache: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/building-muscle/fast/best-workout-for-a-hangover?click=main_sr
Cheers Alex :)
Yes it's saturday morning which means for many people around the UK hangovers are upon us, making you feel like all you want to do is lie in bed and watch Game of Thrones. But say no to a lazy day and hello to the gym to blast your arms and cure that hangover.
Hope you all had a good night last night and enjoyed a few drinks, I certainly did. But it's time to put all that behind you and head to your gym to give this hangover beating arm workout a try. The very reliable source of Mens Health Magazine brings us this latest workout, and it promises to send your hangover to the dustbin.
This workout will take you around 40-45 minutes and the trick is to go heavy to sweat out those toxins. I have tried it myself and will be going to the gym either today or tomorrow to do this workout and burn away the alcohol.
Let me know how you get on, and as always enjoy yourself and i'll be back soon with more workouts.
Follow this link to say hello to big arms and goodbye to the dreaded headache: http://www.menshealth.co.uk/building-muscle/fast/best-workout-for-a-hangover?click=main_sr
Cheers Alex :)
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Blog 2! Quick killer Ab workout!
Hi guys,
We all want really great abs and it's something I am always working on at the Gym. Sometimes I struggle to find the time to do long Ab workouts so I like to keep them quick and at the end of my workout to use up my last bit of energy. If you have a bit of belly fat then I recommend doing a short HIT workout 3 times a week along with Ab workouts to cut body fat and tone up your stomach. I will post a HIT workout soon so you can follow this and cut down your body fat if you are interested in doing so.
This Ab workout is fantastic and it burns your Abs like hell. I saw this video on youtube from a guy called Mike Chang, some of you may have heard of him, he is brilliant for quick, simple Ab workouts. I recommend doing 3 sets instead of 4 as a beginner and work yourself up to the full 4 sets as you WILL be in pain, I can guarantee. But no pain no gain! This workout should take around 5 minutes at most as you don't rest between sets, so you have no reason not to do this workout!
So grab yourself a mat or a thick towel so you don't hurt your back and follow this exercise routine to get a real good burn in your Abs. I noticed a difference in around 3 weeks of doing this workout at the end of your gym session. It is also great for a home workout if you feel like giving your Abs a blast. I hope you enjoy and you are satisfied with the workout. I'll be doing this at the gym tomorrow, so why don't you join me!
Let me know how you get on via the comment box on this page or on twitter: @alexblakemore1
Cheers guys, and keep your eyes peeled for more fitness stuff!
P.S. The video below won't show up on phones so for those of you who can't see it here is the link to the video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfY_4m3RVRc
Alex :)
The workout
We all want really great abs and it's something I am always working on at the Gym. Sometimes I struggle to find the time to do long Ab workouts so I like to keep them quick and at the end of my workout to use up my last bit of energy. If you have a bit of belly fat then I recommend doing a short HIT workout 3 times a week along with Ab workouts to cut body fat and tone up your stomach. I will post a HIT workout soon so you can follow this and cut down your body fat if you are interested in doing so.
This Ab workout is fantastic and it burns your Abs like hell. I saw this video on youtube from a guy called Mike Chang, some of you may have heard of him, he is brilliant for quick, simple Ab workouts. I recommend doing 3 sets instead of 4 as a beginner and work yourself up to the full 4 sets as you WILL be in pain, I can guarantee. But no pain no gain! This workout should take around 5 minutes at most as you don't rest between sets, so you have no reason not to do this workout!
So grab yourself a mat or a thick towel so you don't hurt your back and follow this exercise routine to get a real good burn in your Abs. I noticed a difference in around 3 weeks of doing this workout at the end of your gym session. It is also great for a home workout if you feel like giving your Abs a blast. I hope you enjoy and you are satisfied with the workout. I'll be doing this at the gym tomorrow, so why don't you join me!
Let me know how you get on via the comment box on this page or on twitter: @alexblakemore1
Cheers guys, and keep your eyes peeled for more fitness stuff!
P.S. The video below won't show up on phones so for those of you who can't see it here is the link to the video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfY_4m3RVRc
Alex :)
The workout
Blog 1! Welcome to my brand new blog!
Hi guys,
Just a little spin off blog from my main site (www.alexblakemore1.blogspot.co.uk) to explore another passion of mine which is fitness and the gym. On this blog I will be posting workout's I have seen/tried in the gym, food recipes and all things fitness. Also I will have occasional updates on my fitness, including anything I do majorly.
I will be updating this regularly along with my other blog and hopefully I will manage to link them all together. I am no expert in fitness but I enjoy working out and I will share some of the things I enjoy with you guys so you can try them out.
So if you enjoy exercise, good food and new routines, keep your eyes peeled because this is a blog from a guy who enjoys the gym as a hobby and to stay in shape.
Hope you enjoy my blog and I look forward to posting soon.
Cya Alex :) x
P.s. I promise to keep the gym photos to a minimum.
Just a little spin off blog from my main site (www.alexblakemore1.blogspot.co.uk) to explore another passion of mine which is fitness and the gym. On this blog I will be posting workout's I have seen/tried in the gym, food recipes and all things fitness. Also I will have occasional updates on my fitness, including anything I do majorly.
I will be updating this regularly along with my other blog and hopefully I will manage to link them all together. I am no expert in fitness but I enjoy working out and I will share some of the things I enjoy with you guys so you can try them out.
So if you enjoy exercise, good food and new routines, keep your eyes peeled because this is a blog from a guy who enjoys the gym as a hobby and to stay in shape.
Hope you enjoy my blog and I look forward to posting soon.
Cya Alex :) x
P.s. I promise to keep the gym photos to a minimum.
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