Monday, 7 April 2014

Blog 5! Drop Sets - The way to bigger arms!

Hi guys,

Hope you are well and enjoying my new fitness blog! I have had a week off the gym as i've been busy and tomorrow I am getting back into it by smashing a drop set workout. It gives you a real pump by rushing blood to your muscles. If ever I have longer than 5-6 days off the gym, the first workout I do when I get back is a drop set workout. If you don't know what a drop set is or you have never tried them, my challenge to you this week is to try some drop sets out.

Basically a drop set is when you use the heaviest weight on your first set of an exercise, something you would use for 6-8 repetitions and then you perform reps to failure with this rep. For your second set you drop 10 to 20 percent of the weight from your first set and do the same again. Then for you next set you do the same again. However I do a slightly different variation. Instead of doing sets to failure, I only do my last set to failure. I only do 3-4 sets and this is an example of what I do. When I do dumbbell bicep curls I do 14KG for 8 reps, 8KG for 12 reps, 6KG for 8 reps and then i'm pretty much dying so for a final blow out with 4-6kg for as many reps as I can. IT'S PAINFUL. Try this example out with weights to suit you and let me know how you get on by tweeting me: @alexblakemore1 or commenting below this post.

It's important that you warm up before you do drop sets because it shocks your muscles and pumps blood to them, so you could risk injury unless you warm up properly. You can warm up by either doing light weights or a short 5-10 jog just to get you ready for this intense workout.

This workout is also great if you have little time in your day as it tires your muscles quickly making it difficult to much else. If you want some variations on drop sets then I am putting a link to an article below which gives a range of ways and exercises all using the same technique of a drop set.

Click me:

So that's drop sets, have a go and let me know how you get on and as always have fun and enjoy the time you spend in the gym. I'll be back soon with more.


Alex :D 

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