Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Blog 10! Motivation!

"It WILL hurt.
It WILL take time.
It WILL require dedication and sacrifice.
But it WILL be worth it"

    Hi guys,

 Just a quick one today! Sometimes it might be difficult to get motivation to go to the gym. I understand many of us have busy lives and often find an excuse not to go to the gym or workout. Many a time I have had a busy day and have found it difficult to find the energy or motivation to head to the gym.

Another huge reason for a lack of effort or motivation is if you struggle to see results, whether you are gaining size, losing weight or whatever goal you have. This can be demotivating and has happened to me many times. My Biceps are the muscles I find it difficult to see results on, and it's only recently I have seen the results. Trust me though no matter how long it takes when you finally see those results its the greatest feeling. This is why the quote at the top is so relevant to me and keeps me going through the hard training days and the days I would rather sit on my arse and have a beer. It WILL be worth it!

So next time you are struggling to find the motivation for whatever reason check out some gym motivation quotes and although it may seem silly or you may think people will laugh, they actually do help and if you just make the effort to train you will see the benefits eventually. Just keep at it and don't give up.

Another great tip, if you are short on time and find it difficult to fit in an hour/hour and a half session into your day then check out this great little home workout courtesy of Men's Health: - Although it isn't the most intense workout you will ever do, it's sure to make you sweat and give your muscles a little workout even on a day you can find little time. Try it just before bed.

Cheers guys,

I will be back soon

Alex :D

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