Monday, 31 March 2014

Blog 4! Cluster Sets!

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all well, I tried a new workout at the gym this week and it has to be the most painful workout I have done in a long time.

I worked on my Biceps by using Cluster Sets. If you don't know what these are, don't worry neither did I. Basically, you do low reps and do pause holds during your sets. For example pick a weight you can do 15-20 reps with, complete 5 reps and then hold the weights static at 90 degrees so its still using your biceps, after five seconds, do another 5 reps and repeat until you have completed 15 reps. That's a set, and I can assure you it's agony.

This workout focuses on the same principal throughout with 3 different exercises. By the end you will feel pumped and it's a great workout if you don't have a lot of time, as your muscles will tire out extremely quickly. Below is the video for this workout so check it out and feel the pain. It's a brilliant workout and your biceps will ache for days, highlighting the importance of Protein for muscle recovery.

So give it ago and as always enjoy!

Cheers guys

Alex :D


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Blog 3! Beat your hangover!

Good morning,

Yes it's saturday morning which means for many people around the UK hangovers are upon us, making you feel like all you want to do is lie in bed and watch Game of Thrones. But say no to a lazy day and hello to the gym to blast your arms and cure that hangover.

Hope you all had a good night last night and enjoyed a few drinks, I certainly did. But it's time to put all that behind you and head to your gym to give this hangover beating arm workout a try. The very reliable source of Mens Health Magazine brings us this latest workout, and it promises to send your hangover to the dustbin.

This workout will take you around 40-45 minutes and the trick is to go heavy to sweat out those toxins. I have tried it myself and will be going to the gym either today or tomorrow to do this workout and burn away the alcohol.

Let me know how you get on, and as always enjoy yourself and i'll be back soon with more workouts.

Follow this link to say hello to big arms and goodbye to the dreaded headache:

Cheers Alex :)

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Blog 2! Quick killer Ab workout!

Hi guys,

We all want really great abs and it's something I am always working on at the Gym. Sometimes I struggle to find the time to do long Ab workouts so I like to keep them quick and at the end of my workout to use up my last bit of energy. If you have a bit of belly fat then I recommend doing a short HIT workout 3 times a week along with Ab workouts to cut body fat and tone up your stomach. I will post a HIT workout soon so you can follow this and cut down your body fat if you are interested in doing so.

This Ab workout is fantastic and it burns your Abs like hell. I saw this video on youtube from a guy called Mike Chang, some of you may have heard of him, he is brilliant for quick, simple Ab workouts. I recommend doing 3 sets instead of 4 as a beginner and work yourself up to the full 4 sets as you WILL be in pain, I can guarantee. But no pain no gain! This workout should take around 5 minutes at most as you don't rest between sets, so you have no reason not to do this workout!

So grab yourself a mat or a thick towel so you don't hurt your back and follow this exercise routine to get a real good burn in your Abs. I noticed a difference in around 3 weeks of doing this workout at the end of your gym session. It is also great for a home workout if you feel like giving your Abs a blast. I hope you enjoy and you are satisfied with the workout. I'll be doing this at the gym tomorrow, so why don't you join me!

Let me know how you get on via the comment box on this page or on twitter: @alexblakemore1

Cheers guys, and keep your eyes peeled for more fitness stuff!

P.S. The video below won't show up on phones so for those of you who can't see it here is the link to the video on Youtube:

Alex :)
                                                                The workout

Blog 1! Welcome to my brand new blog!

Hi guys,

Just a little spin off blog from my main site ( to explore another passion of mine which is fitness and the gym. On this blog I will be posting workout's I have seen/tried in the gym, food recipes and all things fitness. Also I will have occasional updates on my fitness, including anything I do majorly.

I will be updating this regularly along with my other blog and hopefully I will manage to link them all together. I am no expert in fitness but I enjoy working out and I will share some of the things I enjoy with you guys so you can try them out.

So if you enjoy exercise, good food and new routines, keep your eyes peeled because this is a blog from a guy who enjoys the gym as a hobby and to stay in shape.

Hope you enjoy my blog and I look forward to posting soon.

Cya Alex :) x

P.s. I promise to keep the gym photos to a minimum.